A Note from the Editor
After a lot of work we've recently re-launched the suppliers directory on the UK Recruiter site.  You can check out the details of hundreds of vendors in the recruitment sector and even read, or leave, reviews of products and companies. Over the next few week's we will feature some specific categories.

We've heard about a really exciting sounding course this week. It's titled "Recruiting Directly on Social Media". The training will be run by Katrina Collier an expert social media recruiter, with over 10 years experience of social recruiting and full-lifecycle recruitment, both agency and in-house. The course covers internet/social media sourcing, personal/employer branding and candidate engagement that works. It's on the 22nd March in London and definitely sounds like one not to miss.

TriSys announced this week that they are releasing new recruitment software that will be available on non-Windows computers including Raspbery Pi. If you want to know more it's probably best to head to their press release to get the information straight from them!

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

The Rise of the Machines ..... in Recruitment?
TempBuddy asks if machines will replace recruiters… (well that and a few other far more likely things)
7 Social Recruitment Myths and Why They’re Not Actually True
The rise of social recruitment has been exceptionally swift. However, it still has a lot of myths and half-truths associated with it. This article helps to break those myths down.
Why Multitasking Is Bad For Your Brain
How many browser tabs do you have open right now? What task did you interrupt to check this email when it came in?! However, there is evidence to suggest that multitasking is bad for our brains!
The rise of the internal recruiter
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The 3 Reasons Your Email Needs to Integrate with Your Recruitment Software
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How to Become a Preferred Employer
In a world where every industry is subject to fierce competition, it’s imperative to build your reputation as a preferred employer.
Recipe for the Best Job Advert

For the full recipe, click on the image.

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