A Note from the Editor
UK Recruiter run a series of established learning and networking events throughout the year, specifically for recruitment professionals. You can find details of our upcoming London events here.  The first one is later this month on the 25th February.

Looking for something to read at the moment? I came across this handy article this week, 7 Books Every Recruiter Should Read in 2016.

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor.

Should You Use a Recruitment Agency to Find a Job?
"If you’ve used recruitment agencies before no doubt your opinions will range from some are good, some bad and 'OMG! Seriously? Why did I bother?' ".

How to Respond to the 3 Most Common Passive Candidate Objections
Passive candidates need a lot more convincing to uproot themselves from their current positions. Lou Adler shares a few responses to the most common objections.
Recruiters have never had it so good
"The outlook for recruitment in 2016 is rosy. Life has given recruiters lemons, and they are making lemonade by the bucket".
The Introverted Recruiter's Guide To Networking
Does the word 'networking' fill you with dread?! Well then this article is just what you need, the introverted recruiter’s guide to networking!
Wine, chocolate and data.
So... how is data like wine and chocolate really?!
The biggest recruiting mistakes you don’t know you’re making
Can adopting a marketing strategy and personalising the process revitalise recruiting and attract the very best people?
The UK Recruitment Landscape of December

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