It's all go in the land of UK Recruiter today getting ready for The Recruitment Conference and National Online Recruitment Awards tomorrow but we have still managed to pull together all the goings on in the world of recruitment and deliver another brilliant newsletter for you!
Hopefully see lots of you tomorrow! Feel free to come and say hi if you see me!
I love this article. It's the most sense I've read in a long time (in the context of job descriptions anyway!). Everyone writing a job description should have to read this. By law.
Stats - Survey finds social media key to recruitment decisions
A survey of more than 7000 recruitment companies, HR managers and recruiters in the UK has found that 71% of them have successfully hired an employee or contractor using social media.
The survey also found that 82% of employers have looked up potential candidates on social media sites, while some 64% have rejected a job application after looking at a candidate’s social media profile.
The survey found that 88% of recruiters used LinkedIn for candidate recruitment, 25% used Facebook, 8%, twitter, and 33% used industry-based job boards.
77% said the reason for recruiting via social media is that it gives them better access to more candidates, 33% said it is the most cost effective way to find candidates, while 41% said it gave them better insight into whether candidates were suitable. The survey highlighted Job boards and LinkedIn as the two most important tools to recruiters, with Facebook also playing a role.
The survey found that 63% of recruiters said that they considered social media as more effective than traditional print ads when advertising jobs.
Survey conducted by, the world’s leading Oil and Gas jobs board.